Oh, dear…

Woe is me. I am dreadfully behind on this project. (Teen Boy, at this point, tends to say things like ‘Hang your head in shame. HANG IT!’ He’s not always helpful but rarely is he unamusing.) I am,  in honesty, a little worried that I won’t complete it. (This is the bit where The Man, who is accustomed to my obsessive perfectionism [real word? Who cares?] tells me not to worry, it’s early days and I’ve got plenty of time left. However, he’s at the allotment right now so I’m telling myself that it’s early days and I’ve got plenty of time left which I fear may become a ‘cool wet grass, deep blue ocean’ kind of mantra as the year marches on.)

On the plus side (because there is always, always a plus side) I’ve spent a lot of time in the workshop coming up with new stuff. And new stuff is always exciting 🙂

  • Travel purses. Ideal for, well, travelling. Also handy if you don’t want to carry a large bag around with you
  • Wristlets. I made these mostly because although I have possessed a ridiculous amount of bags in my time I’ve never had a wristlet. One of these may have my name on it 🙂
  • Tree brooches

I’m also working on a development on the Faery Coats. It’s not that I don’t love them just as they are (I really, really do), I just want to do something a little… different 🙂

An A-line skirt may be on the horizon for my next 52 Ways… project. You can’t go wrong with a little A-line skirt. At least, that’s what I’m hoping 😉

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