Tag Archives: fairy floss

A happy little Forest

Aren’t trees wonderful? Yes, I may sound like an earthy/crunchy/knit-your-own-yogurt, lentil-crunching, sandal-wearing tree-hugger type who reeks of patchouli and dances like a windmill at the merest hint of a Stevie Nicks song, but trees are wonderful. And, besides, I’m exactly that kind of person. Except for the lentils – if your lentils are crunchy you haven’t cooked them enough. And the sandals. I just don’t do sandals.

Yes, this is exactly what I look like when I dance. Except that I'm not quite as tall. Obviously.

Anyway. Trees. I love em. So I’ve made some. My own little Forest of happy, colourful trees with brooch backs so you can wear your own little bit of Faery Forest (hmm, does that sound slightly provocative or is it fairy floss I’m thinking of?) out and about with you. Of course, if you like to get your fairy floss out too then that is entirely your own business 😉

My happy little Forest