Tag Archives: recipes

Daily Bread

Well, it’s not really daily. We tend to bake bulk batches and freeze a loaf or two. There really is nothing like relying on home baking to make you realise you don’t need to eat bread every day. In fact, I probably eat more cake than bread (a fact which, although it would have made me very popular with the likes of Marie Antoinette, I know I should be slightly ashamed of). But baking bread is hard. Really, really hard. It is genuine, physical work which, paradoxically, makes it enticing and fun to do and also very, very easy to put off until tomorrow.

Perhaps I should explain here – I don’t have a breadmaker. I’ve actually worked my way through a few breadmakers (the last one ended very badly – the turn-y bit at the bottom which is supposed to do all the kneading worked it’s way loose, resulting in poorly kneaded dough and some sort of nasty oily substance finding it’s way into the dough too) and now I just find it’s easier to make it by hand. Admittedly, bread-baking duties sometimes fall into The Man’s jurisdiction but even so, this is a breadmachine-free household.

Anyway, I’ll post recipes. Not just bread but cakes and anything else I find. And like. Or really hate -sometimes the ‘ick-factor’ is just too great to resist. (If you’re very, very lucky(??) I might even find my mother’s recipe for Chicken Mould.)